Stargazer Magician Previous Stargazer Magician
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Stargazer Magician

SP15 Star Pack ARC-V
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Attribute DARK
Type Pendulum Effect Monster
Def 2400
Card Number 10
Level 5
Atk 1200
Code 94415058
Archetype Odd-Eyes
Scale 1
Set Star Pack ARC-V
Race Spellcaster
Edition 1st Edition
[ Pendulum Effect ] If a Pendulum Monster you control battles, your opponent cannot activate Spell Cards until the end of the Damage Step. Unless you have a "Magician" card or "Odd-Eyes" card in your other Pendulum Zone, this card's Pendulum Scale becomes 4. ---------------------------------------- [ Monster Effect ] Once per turn, when exactly 1 other Pendulum Monster you control (and no other cards) is returned to your hand by an opponent's card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 monster from your hand with the same name as that returned to the hand.
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