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Salamangreat Coyote
Salamangreat Circle

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Salamangreat Claw
Structure Deck: Soulburner
Type | Spell Card |
Def | 0 |
Card Number | 24 |
Level | 0 |
Atk | 0 |
Code | 88540324 |
Archetype | Salamangreat |
Set | Structure Deck: Soulburner |
Race | Equip |
Edition | 1st Edition |
Equip only to a "Salamangreat" monster. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects, and if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If the equipped monster is a "Salamangreat" Link Monster you control that was Link Summoned using a monster with its same name as material, during each Battle Phase it can make attacks on monsters up to its Link Rating. You can only control 1 "Salamangreat Claw".
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