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Risebell the Summoner
Risebell the Star Psycher

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Risebell the Summoner
2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack
Attribute | WIND |
Def | 800 |
Card Number | 48 |
Level | 3 |
Atk | 800 |
Code | 45103815 |
Scale | 2 |
Set | 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack |
Edition | Unlimited |
[ Pendulum Effect ]
Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; increase its Level by 1 (even if this card leaves the field).
[ Flavor Text ]
A kindly elder brother, Risebell takes good care of his little sister Saambell. He reads a Magical Book with his sister each early-afternoon, a harmonious routine that brings a smile to everyone.
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