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Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone
Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone

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Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone
Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series
Type | Spell Card |
Def | 0 |
Card Number | 17 |
Level | 0 |
Atk | 0 |
Code | 80831721 |
Archetype | Kuriboh |
Set | Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series |
Race | Normal |
Edition | 1st Edition |
If you have a "Winged Kuriboh" monster in your GY: Pay half your LP; add 1 "Polymerization" Spell or "Fusion" Spell from your Deck to your hand. If this card is in your GY: You can banish 3 copies of "Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone" from your GY, then target 1 monster on the field; it gains ATK equal to the ATK of the monster on the field with the highest ATK (your choice, if tied), until the end of this turn.
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