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S-Force Chase

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S-Force Bridgehead
Blazing Vortex
Type | Spell Card |
Def | 0 |
Card Number | 57 |
Level | 0 |
Atk | 0 |
Code | 23377425 |
Archetype | S-Force |
Set | Blazing Vortex |
Race | Field |
Edition | 1st Edition |
When this card is activated: You can add 1 "S-Force" monster from your Deck to your hand. When an opponent's monster declares an attack on your "S-Force" monster in its same column: You can activate this effect; that monster you control cannot be destroyed by that battle. You can only use this effect of "S-Force Bridgehead" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "S-Force Bridgehead" per turn.
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