Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton Previous Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton
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Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton

BLVO Blazing Vortex
More Information
Attribute EARTH
Def 1900
Card Number 47
Level 9
Atk 2600
Code 9349094
Set Blazing Vortex
Edition 1st Edition
2 Level 9 monsters During your turn, when you activate a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can target 1 card of the same type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) in your GY; attach it to this card as material. During your opponent's turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material of the same type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) from this card, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy that card. You can only use each effect of "Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton" once per turn.
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